Global ecommerce fulfilment is at your fingertips
From shopping carts, to marketplace and multi-channel managers, 3plukCHANNELS is a range of connectors that automatically pulls in your orders and pushes stock level and despatch data back across your network.
With new channels being deployed all the time, and features and functionality added, 3plukCHANNELS is an integral part of the 3plukTECH family and another reason why 3pluk is your ideal partner for your order fulfillment needs.
3plukCONNECT is our XML based API extension to 3plukCORE.
Via 3plukCONNECT customers can push orders directly into 3plukCORE, and request order tracking and stock level details, all from their own web applications.
As with other elements of the 3plukTECH family, 3plukCONNECT benefits from ongoing updates, developments and new features.
If you have already invested in your web platforms but are looking for order fulfillment, 3plukCONNECT is the perfect application to offer seamless integration with your business.
Talk to an expert today!
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We are proud to say that we have been working with the Soil Association for a number of years and have a number of warehouses which are certified organic. If you are or are looking to become organically certified, have a chat with our knowledgeable team who will guide you as to our organic services.